NMN 1000mg for Anti-Aging
NMN is a direct and potent NAD+ supplement. Increased NAD+ levels stimulate DNA repair, energy metabolism, and SIRTUIN activity.
SIRTUINS are the longevity-genes shown to be active during caloric restriction and life-extension in many studies.

Resveratrol 99% for Anti-Aging
Resveratrol has several remarkable properties that help support good health.
Most commonly, Resveratrol is known as the anti-aging supplement found in red wine and generally as an effective antioxidant.

Cissus 1600mg for Weight Management
Cissus Quadrangularis is a natural supplement targeted at caloric restriction.
Professional athletes use Cissus Qudrangularis to restrict the caloric intake of the body for performance enhancement.

Lab Tested Quality Control
All of our products are subject to triple testing. What does this mean?
First, all raw materials used at LiveYoungLabs products will be tested for quality. This includes testing for the purity of the raw materials, potency of the active ingredients, and checking for any impurities present. Only raw material batches that pass our initial test are used for our products.
Second, random quality checks are held for overal quality control. Bottles are selected at random from the production line, and will be subject to stringent quality guidelines.
Last, before any batch is released, there will be a final lab testing for checking the purity, potency and impurities present in the product. This assures that all our products live up to our high quality standards.